Monday, March 12, 2012

16 and 17 Months

Gosh, I really don't know how these months keep slipping by so quickly!

Here's what you've been up to in the last 2 months:

*You are running and climbing all over the place now.  You think it is great fun to climb up in Momma's chair and "work" on the computer or flip the lights on and off.  You also love to climb up on the couch and run back and forth, try to grab the kitties, or just sit and read a book.  Unfortunately, your sense of balance and spatial reasoning aren't always the greatest yet, and you sometimes take a tumble.  It never slows you down too much, though, nothing a little snuggle can't take care of.  :)

*After you started signing "more", we decided to add in a few more signs to see if you would pick them up.  Well, it didn't take you long at all!  Right away you started signing "please", "all done", and "help".  Then a little later, you added "thank you" and "bath".  We're always looking up new ones that we think might be useful to you.

*Just in the last week you started saying some actual words!  Out of the blue came "dada", "mama", "uh-oh", and "buhbye".  I have a feeling we're in for a bit of a word explosion in the coming weeks, but time will tell... You had been saying "kitty" for a couple of weeks, but then stopped.  It will be interesting to see if that word comes back soon.

*You are blowing kisses now and it's SO cute!  As Daddy carries you in to bed, you throw kisses to me over his shoulder the whole way.  :)

*You love studying things and trying to figure out how they work.  You spend lots of time trying to copy what you've seen Momma and Daddy doing.  You are very "helpful" and want to be a part of everything we're doing.  You are especially fond of vacuuming and anything happening in the kitchen.

*You still sleep wonderfully.  We got rid of the Nuk in the last month.  It was surprisingly easy, you just didn't really seem to care much at all.  Bedtime routine is same old, same old.  Nurse, Daddy lays you down between 7:30 and 8:00, sleep until 5:00 or 6:00, nurse, up between 8:00 and 9:00.  You usually take one 1.5-3 hour nap in the afternoon.

*You finally decided you didn't *completely* hate the snow and had fun going out with Daddy and stomping the little piles of melty snow and throwing little snowballs and watching them smash on the concrete.  Hopefully next year when you're a little more stable on your feet you'll enjoy being outdoors in the winter a bit more.

*You love to see Daddy after he comes home from work.  As soon as you hear the garage door open, you run to the door and bang on it and sign "help" until I come over and open the door so you can see Daddy.  You watch him and wait for him to come to the door, then you promptly try to shut it in his face.  :)  Almost every night you and Daddy either do some dancing (which means you kicking one leg out to the side) or play some basketball in the living room.  It has been fun to see you go from having to "slam dunk" the ball every time to get it in the hoop to being able to "shoot" it from a few inches away and still make it.

*You eat anything and everything that crosses your path and most things that cross Momma or Daddy's path, too.  :)  You're getting pretty adept at using silverware, but have no qualms about resorting to your hands if the silverware is too slow.

*Other things you're liking this month: "peanuts" in the sensory table, playing with whatever small appliances you can get your hands on, running over and giving random snuggles in the middle of whatever you're doing (I LOVE this little habit...), going downstairs for any reason, playing Swiffer stick "golf", throwing random toys under/over the baby gate to see how they bounce down the stairs and then frantically signing "help" for us to go and get them, "yelling" at Greta (complete with arm waving and pointing!), and "cheese-ing" for the camera.

"Who me?  Nope, I'm not getting into the cereal..."
Miles-a, you are such a happy, easy baby with such a sweet and funny personality.  We just love watching you learn and change and grow.  We're so lucky to be your Momma and Daddy.  We love you so, so much, sweetness boy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am a bit disturbed that I havee to learn all these things about my grandson on your blog. Maybe this means I need SOME 1 ON 1 TIME WITH MILES!! HINT, HINT!
