Monday, January 23, 2012

15 Months (and some change...)

15 Month Stats
Height: 32.5 inches (~85%ile)
Weight: 22 lb. 10 oz. (~49%ile)

*You are walking and running now, though the running still trips you up (literally!) sometimes.

*You have 16 teeth now (the last 2 of your one year molars are finally poking through, so they totally count!) and they're sharp!  You love to have me brush your teeth and find it especially funny when I touch your teeth and then exclaim, "Oooooh, ouch!  Those teeth are so sharp!"  

*Your only word so far is "kitty".  You do make another sound consistently when you are pointing at something that you want, but we haven't quite figured out the actual word that you're going for.  You do say "mama" and "dada" in context once in awhile, but I wouldn't call them "words" for you just yet.

*You just started to do the sign for "more"!  We had been really slacking on the signing because it didn't seem that you were really paying much attention, but then all of the sudden you started doing this one.  Looks like we'll be adding in a few more!  

*You understand LOTS, even though you're not saying things back yet.  You can follow directions to put things in the garbage, take things to mommy or daddy, find various objects, etc.  It's so much fun!  You're also getting really good at pointing to things you know in books.

*You started waving "bye-bye" this month.  Now anytime you hear the word you start waving like a madman and walking toward the door.  :)

*We have seen your surprised face a lot this month!  Every time you hear the train go through town, the timer beep on the oven, the garage door open, throw something off your tray, or any other number of things, you look at us with your eyebrows raised and your little circle mouth.  So funny!  

*You are really getting good with using your silverware and usually get quite annoyed if we try to help you.  The fork is a little easier for you, but the spoon is really coming along.

*You've started eating a few things this month that you didn't use to touch - green beans and fresh raspberries!  Otherwise, you're still a great eater and will try just about anything.  This month you have especially enjoyed roasted brussels sprouts, cheese cubes, quesadillas, and chili.

*You're continuing in your love for books.  Most evenings you will bring a book over to Daddy for him to read, then as soon as he's done you bring the same book over to me to read.  We think you're doing read-offs to see who reads it better.  The other day you were sitting behind the couch and I heard you giggling. When I peeked over to see what you were doing, I saw you just flipping the pages of one of your books and laughing to yourself as you looked at each page.  Adorable!  :)

*You're still a fantastic sleeper.  Pretty much the same routine - nurse, bed between 7:00 and 8:00, sleep 'til 5:00 or 6:00, nurse, then back to bed until 8:00 or 9:00.  Sometimes you sleep until almost 10:00!  I joke that we usually have brunch instead of breakfast because you sleep so late.  We're really trying to be strict about only having the Nuk for sleeping.  I think we'll probably try to get rid of it completely pretty soon, but I didn't want to take it from you when you were getting teeth.

Cooking up a bedtime snack
*You're a happy, pretty easy-going little guy.  Obviously, you get upset if we take something away from you, but you usually only cry for a few seconds (if that) and then move on to something new.  No tantrums here, yet.

*Other things you like this month: giving GREAT smoochies (wide open mouth with lots of drool and sometimes tongue!) and snuggles, your new shopping cart, your new chair (you love to flop down in it with the remote and look like a big guy), the stick stacking beads, anything in the kitchen (especially small appliances - you love to watch the mixer, food processor, bread machine, salad spinner, etc!), going downstairs with Daddy to feed kitties, finding Momma's blush brush in the drawer and doing "pretties" on everyone, dismantling Momma's purse, and helping with anything Momma and Daddy happen to be doing at the moment.  :)

We're so lucky to have such a sweet, sweet boy and we love every day with you.  We love you, Miles Wiles!  

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