Saturday, August 13, 2011

Ten Months

Ugh!  FINALLY got this one done after my computer ate the first draft...

This has been a very busy month for you - all sorts of growing and changing and learning going on!

*First, the big one:  You learned how to crawl!!  After many, many weeks of trying to figure it out, you finally did it!  It's been 3 weeks since you learned and you are already lightning quick.  It's a full time job making sure you don't get into something you shouldn't.  You follow me room to room just like a little puppy often ending up literally under my feet.  :)  When you're really on a mission crawling after something you make this funny little "Huh huh huh huh" breathing sound while you're crawling.

*Directly after learning how to crawl, you started pulling yourself up.  Now, you stand all over the place just because you can.  Hanging onto the jumparoo with one hand, balancing on the tub for your blocks, leaning against the chair, in the bathtub, on the couch (while trying to spy the kitties), on momma and daddy's legs, in your crib. 

*(I'm whispering this one and knocking on wood at the same time!)  You have started sleeping better this month.  After we got settled in the new house, we decided it was finally time to order you a crib.  Well, it arrived and we got it all set up and figured we would let you at least sleep in there for the first 2-3 hour stretch of the night.  You surprised us and slept for 5 hours the first night, then 6 or 7 hours the next few nights.  Awesome!  So, now we have a pretty good routine down.  You nurse and then go to bed in your crib at about 7:00, I get you up and nurse you again before I go to bed around 9:30 or 10:00, then you get up again around 5:00 or 6:00 and come in bed with us. 

*You learned a new trick this month and love to show us all that you are: SO BIG!!  You get a big smile on your face every time we ask you "How big is Miles?" and stretch yourself out as far as you can go.  Your hands must be touching every time you do this and you always suck your little tummy.  Cracks us up every time.  :)

*You are still a big fan of eating and you have discovered that if you throw your food over the side of your chair the kitties will come over to check it out.  You LOVE the kitties, so lots of food goes overboard.

*You are making lots of sounds now.  Your standard "Ahhhhhhhhhh" sound is still your favorite, but you say dadadada, babababa, and yayayaya now.  I keep lobbying for mamamama, but no such luck.

*You have seven teeth - three on top, four on the bottom.  They are quite sharp and I have to be careful if I'm sitting around without socks and shoes on.  More than once you've snuck up on me and decided to use my toes for teething toys - that hurts!! 

*Your hair is starting to really come in!  It's still kind of hard to tell in pictures, but it is there.  It's especially noticeable when it's wet.

You are so much fun right now and changing every day.  I keep reminding Daddy (and myself) of this poem:

Cleaning and scrubbing will wait 'til tomorrow,
but children grow up as I've learned to my sorrow.
So, quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep.
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
~Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

Happy 10 months, Miles-y!  We love you so, so much!