Sunday, August 12, 2012

18-22 Months

Goodness, I guess late spring and summer were not great for blogging!  It makes me kind of sad that I haven't managed to write down any of the million little ways that you have changed in the last 5 months.  I know that I've already forgotten cute little gestures that you made or "words" that you had for a short time and I hate that.  But, I guess it is what it is and I'll just have to get on to documenting what I can remember...

* You love to play outside!  Playing at the playground, swinging your golf clubs, riding your little bike, helping with the gardens, spraying Daddy with the hose - you are a big fan of all of it! 

* Sometimes in the course of your business, you bump your head or fall down and you immediately make this really exaggerated hurt/sad face, do a little fake cry, and then run to one of us to have a snuggle and a smoochie.  It totally cracks us up, because as soon as the snuggle and/or smoochie has been delivered you are immediately demanding to get back down and go back to whatever it was that "injured" you in the first place.

* You are still a pretty great eater.  You'll eat darn near everything and definitely approve of the ice cream and popsicles that come along with summertime.  You like to pick and bite into cherry tomatoes, but then always spit them back out.  I don't think you really care for the seeds and the texture of the insides.

* Our mini vacation in July seems to have put your excellent sleeping on the fritz and we are doing our best to repair it.  Lately you have been going to bed around 8:00, but you seem to think that waking up between 6:00-7:00 is a good thing.  Unfortunately, Mama is not such a morning person, so we're trying to reset you back to a 8:00-9:00 wake up time...  You're still doing one 1-3 hour afternoon nap.

* You are talking like crazy now!  You usually make an effort to copy at least 1-2 words in most sentences that we say, as well as regularly coming out with all sorts of new words on your own.  A small selection of your words: mama, dada, Greta, moon, home, drink, milk, more, NO!, yes, all done, Graycie, book, ball, eye, nose, neck, shoe, sock, shirt, snack, bye, help, bed, night night, arm, knee, plus lots more that I can't remember right now.  We have to be really careful what comes out of our mouths now, because you WILL repeat it.  When we were on vacation, we were driving in the car and Daddy slammed on the brakes while I wasn't paying attention, so I said, "Jesus!".  Pretty soon you piped up from the back seat with, "Jeez!!"  It was pretty funny, but a good lesson for us, too.  :)

* You now try to sign "I Love You" when you're going to bed or somebody's going bye bye.  You can't quite get your pinky to stay up, but you get the index finger and thumb.  :)

* Sometimes, when I least expect it, you will grab the sides of my face/head, pull my head down, and kiss me on the forehead or the top of my head.  It is so, so sweet and pretty much makes me all mushy inside.

* You are obsessed with brushing your teeth and washing your hands.  I bought you a small stepstool for the bathroom so now you can reach the sink, and I swear you would spend the whole day in there brushing and washing and generally making a giant mess with the water if we would let you! 

* You still love to read and will frequently present books to us with a forceful (but adorable!) demand to read them!

* You have just upgraded us in the last week from Mama and Dada to Mommy and Daddy, with lots of emphasis on the 2nd syllable.  Dad-deeeeeeee!  :)

You have been so much fun this summer, Miles-y.  You make us laugh daily and definitely keep us on our toes!  We love you so much...

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