Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring has (finally!) sprung?

Tuesday and Wednesday it was down right hot outside! 

I'm not usually a fan of hot weather because I hate, hate, HATE to sweat, but I was digging it because I finally got to use a couple of those shorts outfits that I bought for Miles and see the cute little chubby baby thighs and fat little baby feet sticking out.

Miles was digging it because he got to be outside and had his first experience with grass.  Who knew it could be so much fun to rip up handfuls of the green stuff and try to stuff it in one's mouth faster than Momma could pry it out of those fat little fists?

He also seemed to (mostly?) enjoy his experience with chewing on ice cubes, though we did get a few crazy faces:

Apparently all the chomping and exploring and riding around in the stroller was just too much for him, though.  Before I knew it, he was out cold and snoring on the blanket next to me.