Sunday, January 22, 2012

This moment...

Thursday night Miles went down to bed like normal around 7:30 or 8:00.  Just before I went to bed, at about 11:15, he woke up and was really crying.  He always sleeps until about 5:30 or 6:00 so I went in to get him.  I turned out all the living room lights, except for the dim stairway light, and we sat down in the chair.  He nursed for a little while, but then leaned in against my chest and snuggled with me for a few minutes and I found myself just wanting to memorize the whole moment:

  • the way he was just looking up at me calmly with those big blue eyes, until they got heavier and heavier and finally closed again
  • his soft, steady breathing
  • his weight in my arms and warmth against me
  • his sweet little baby hands rubbing my face, then holding tightly to his shirt
  • his soft, silky hair where I kissed him on the head before I laid him back down in his crib

I'm still not sure what was bothering him, but I am so glad we got to have that quiet little moment for me to memorize because they will be gone before I know it.  Oh, I love this boy.

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