Monday, December 12, 2011

13 & 14 Month Update

Oh, what a busy two months it has been since you turned one, Miles!

Alright, so, what's new?!

*You are a full-time walker now and have been since shortly after your birthday.  You are getting steadier and faster by the day and I fully expect that you'll be a full-time runner very soon!

*You are still a fantastic sleeper!  Nurse and down to bed between 7:30 and 8:30, up to nurse around 6:00, then back to bed until around 9:00.  You usually take one nap during the day for about 2ish hours, but you are very flexible with timing and amount of sleep if we are out and about.  You always lay down to sleep in your crib without a fuss, as long as you have one (or more) of your shirts and your Nuk.

*You are still a big fan of nursing and usually let me know of your interest by bringing one or both of your shirts over to the rocking chair and leaning onto the seat while fussing.

*You love to eat, though your tastes are known to change by the minute.  What was acceptable at breakfast yesterday may be unceremoniously thrown on the floor today and vice versa.  You have also taken to handing whatever it is you don't want to Daddy or I, or just opening your mouth and letting the offending food fall out.  You also love to share your food now and often offer us bites of whatever you're enjoying.  :)

Loving the bulgur joes!
*You figured out that you can throw your leg over the side of the bathtub and climb (or fall) out, so bathtime is often quite short now since you get pretty disgusted with us if we won't allow you to get out when you're ready.

Bubble bath!
*You are up to 11 teeth now.  Your upper left molar came in the first weekend of November and both canine teeth have just come in in the last week or so.  It's kind of tricky to figure out when there are new ones coming because you want nothing to do with me poking my finger around in there, and quite frankly I'm not too excited about the idea, either.  Those teeth are sharp!  Speaking of teeth, you have a terrible habit of grinding your little front teeth together and it makes the most terrible sound!  Gives me the heebie-jeebies everytime!

The huffy face!
*You LOVE brooms and mops!  It's nearly impossible to use one if you're in the vicinity because you insist on "helping"...

*You have a fascination with the bread machine.  Anytime I start a batch of dough, you come toddling into the kitchen and pull me over to the counter so I can lift you up where you can see.  We finally got smart one day and put it on the floor so you could watch through the little window.

*You have really started to enjoy books in the last month or two.  Many, many times a day you will grab a book and bring it over to Daddy or I, shove it into our hands, and wiggle your way onto our lap for us to read it to you.  We love it!  You were really, really not much of a fan of books for your first year so we are pretty excited to get into reading now.

*You still don't have any actual words yet (though I think you use Mama in context sometimes), but you have no trouble getting your point across!  You have started pointing and gesturing and you make all sorts of sounds to indicate your wants and needs.  We joke that your multi-purpose word is "Eh" because you use it in so many different ways.  If you're unsure about something, you'll point at and say, "Eh?"  If you want something, it's, "Eh! Eh! Eh!"  If you're just agreeing with us or answering us, it's a plain old, "Eh."  Cracks us up.

*Other things you like:  your baby, bananas, building megablocks towers with Daddy, waiting for Mama at the top of the stairs and playing peek-a-boo between the gate and the wall, scattering piles of clean, folded diapers and laundry, your ball maze, the kitties, chewing on the toothpaste tube (you sneak into our bathroom to steal it every chance you get!), and copying anything you see us do (putting your highchair tray away, sweeping up you, opening/closing doors, etc.).

Not quite tall enough to reach the goodies!
(Notice the open cabinet - he was trying to stand on the cabinet to reach!)

In the water room at the Children's Museum
 Miles-y, you just get cuter and more fun every single day!  I love seeing your little personality come out more and more and learning about all of your likes and dislikes and seeing you discover new things.  We love you to the moon and back, sweet boy.  Happy 14 (and 13!) months!

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