Monday, December 12, 2011

Blogging Failure

Yup, that's me.  Considering that it has been 6 weeks since I last updated and I missed doing a 13 month update, as well as documenting Miles' first ER visit, his 2nd Thanksgiving, and the getting of the Christmas tree, I would say that I am officially a blogging failure.  Well, let's just play a little game of catch-up now and call it even, shall we?  Prepare for a marathon post!  :)

So, yes, I had a good excuse for not blogging for a solid week or two after Halloween.  Miles got a stomach bug, which resulted in him being sick on Halloween and having to make a trip to the ER on Nov. 1 because he was so dehydrated and lethargic.  He ended up getting an IV and 2 bags of fluids, which helped quite a bit.  He was definitely still slow-moving and lethargic, but nothing like before the fluid.  Also, he then shared his lovely germies with me (I was puking in the car less than 2 minutes after we left the ER) first and then with Bill.   My parents came to visit 2 days after we were all feeling better and they also got it.  Not so much fun, but I did lose 6 pounds in 12 hours, so there's that.

Sick baby snuggling with mama
The Saturday after Thanksgiving we went to go get a Christmas tree.  In the rain.  When we first set out to the tree farm it seemed to be just sprinkling, so we decided to just go ahead and go.  By the time we actually got to the tree farm it was full out raining and Miles was sleeping in his carseat.  So, what did we do?  Pulled up as close as possible to one of the Christmas tree patches, left Miles sleeping in his seat, hustled down a row or two, found a tree that looked decent, and cut it down (very slowly, I might add, since Bill had only brought a hacksaw and we missed the point where we could stop and borrow a decent saw from the tree farm.  Not to mention the fact that Bill was laying the mud with sand burrs poking him and cussing all the while he was trying to saw, while I was trying to keep the umbrella over him as much as possible...).  We finally got the tree home only to discover that the tree stand that we had did not fit the tree, which led to more cussing from Bill and a quick trip to Menards.  We found a stand that worked, got the tree up and decorated and it looks quite lovely, if I do say so myself.  :)

Miles is "supervising" Daddy's first attempt at putting up the tree
from a safe distance

The finished product
Oh, and the morning of the Christmas tree fiasco Miles also took a digger into his new sensory table and banged up his eye pretty well.  He looked pretty rough and tough for a couple of weeks!

This picture was pretty fresh, it developed some more
pretty colors after a day or two.
The day after the Christmas tree adventure Bill and Miles did some heavy duty rearranging in the garage - I know Bill was VERY appreciative of all Miles' help!  I have a love-hate relationship with these pictures because they are so stinking cute, but Miles looks like such a big kid!!


Last weekend Bill and Miles braved the weather and went out for a stroll to get some fresh air.  It was Miles' first experience with the entire winter ensemble (boots, snowpants, coat, hat, mittens) and he was not such a fan.  He strongly dislikes the lack of balance and his inability to move himself where he wants to go!  He does look darn cute, though!

Apparently the brisk air was just exhausting for Miles - he was sound asleep when they got home with his arms straight up in the air and stayed that way for about an hour!

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