Monday, August 1, 2011


Gosh, it seems like Miles is literally adding another trick to his repetoire every day!

We figured we had a little while before he became really efficient at crawling to get things really baby-proofed, but we were wrong!!  He was pretty slow at the whole crawling business for about 3-4 days, but now it's like he moves at warp speed.  NOTHING is safe from him!  Garbage can, books, Momma's purse, clean laundry, cords of all kinds, books, remotes, every type of electronic gadget, kitties.  Basically everything except those things which are meant for him.  :)

Note the rapturous expression on Miles' face.  Then, note the slightly-less-than-rapturous expression on Greta's. :)
He also uses his crawling to throw himself upon my feet and beg for mercy (or just to nurse).  It is kind of funny and pathetic and cute all at the same time.  :)

Then, no sooner did we adjust to the crawling business, then he started trying to pull himself up on things.  Again (we're not that bright, apparently...) we figured we had a little while to prepare before he became really good at it.  Yup, you guessed it.  Wrong again!  Now the books on the second shelf that were secure a week ago are no longer, anything on the couches (including the kitties!!) is fair game, the computer sitting on the side table almost ended up on his head a couple of days ago...  You get the picture.

Yes, we are definitely busier these days, but it really is amazing to watch him learn and grow and develop.  It's the times like this, where he is literally changing every single day, that I am especially thankful for the opportunity to be at home with him.  Sure, every now and then I miss having an adult, professional conversation, but I would not trade this time, these oh-so-short moments, for anything.  I am definitely lucky.  :)

Some random pictures:

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