Monday, August 1, 2011

A Day at the Park

Last Monday Bill and I decided we'd better take advantage of the short break in the miserably humid weather and get outdoors with Miles for a day.  We packed up the stroller and some water and drove down to Olin-Turville Park in Madison.  We spent the afternoon just hanging out, playing on the playground, and sitting in some shade watching the boats on the water.  Miles was loving every second of it (as he usually does while we're outside) and it was a really nice day.  Bonus:  I got a couple of pictures that I really love!  :)

Swinging with Momma
(And, no, that's not all drool on his shirt!  He was practicing with his sippy cup.)

Snuggles with Daddy

Miles taking it all in

I <3 this one!

This one KILLS me!  I LOVE it!  :)
I was sitting behind him saying "Miles, look at Momma" and this is what I got.  Ha!

Momma and baby feet

Aaaaand, we're done!

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