Friday, July 22, 2011

Fun Day in the Dells!

Today we decided we were tired of being held hostage by the heat so, after Miles woke up from his nap and ate some (high iron!) lunch, we packed up and headed to the Dells.  We stopped by the Original Ducks where Bill used to work and he talked to some of the people that he used to work with for a little while.  We also got to enjoy a complementary duck ride, which Miles seemed to enjoy and allowed Bill to do some reminiscing.  We were SO glad we ventured out today!  By the time we got to the Dells, it had clouded over a bit and the humidity had gone down a bit and it was pretty darn nice outside!

Family Pic - Miles is uninterested 

 Family pic - Bill is super interested, Miles is still uninterested

My boys.  :) 


After the Duck tour, we went to a restaurant with a waterfront deck for supper and enjoyed some more of the beautiful weather.  I can't remember the name of the place to save my life, but Bill had chicken wing and I had a grilled chicken wrap and they were both really tasty.  After we were done eating, Miles and I posed for a picture:

Oh, just a quick public service announcement.  Wal-Mart pretty much sucks in general, but the Lake Delton Wal-Mart in the evening is a completely miserable experience.  Bill decided we had wandered into the armpit of society.  :)  Yikes.  I do NOT recommend going there if you can avoid it...

And finally, a video of Miles taking out some aggression on his toast.  Enjoy!  :)

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