Saturday, August 6, 2011

A little bit of this, a little bit of that

We had a busy week! 

My mom had back surgery at Meriter on Tuesday.  Devon came to our place that afternoon and then we all headed down to the hospital after I was done at Weight Watchers.  Mom was still pretty out of it from the anesthesia, but she did manage to demand a Rocky's breadstick and part of one of the Banana-Berry Muffins I made, despite still being on a clear liquids diet.

On Wednesday morning Devon, Miles, and I packed up in the morning and made a run out to Deerfield to drop off some food for my friend Kelly, her husband, Scott, and their new little guy, Oliver.  He is so tiny and sweet!  :)  Then we headed back to Madison and met Abbie and Josie for lunch at The Mermaid Cafe.  After we were done there, we went back to the hospital for a couple of hours and Miles entertained my mom for awhile before they both got tired and cranky.  On the way home, we stopped at Target and did a bit of shopping.  Devon brought the first sweet corn of the season with her on Tuesday, so we got home and had that for supper along with some swiss chard chips.  Yum!  I also made a cherry pie with the fresh Door County cherries that I found at the market last weekend.  SO delicious. 

Bill had to work again on Thursday, so Miles and I went to a few garage sales, then headed back down to the hospital.  Bill met us there after he was done with work so that he could take Miles home while I went to my Holistic Mom's meeting.  My dad stayed at our place that night since my mom was being discharged Friday morning.

Friday kind of got away from us a bit.  Bill did get to go golfing though, so that was good.  Today we worked on projects around the house.  Bill did all the touch up painting that has been bugging him and I finally hemmed the stupid curtains.  (They're Ikea curtains and just have an iron-on strip to hem them, but it was still a pain in the neck because they weren't all the same length and I had to keep adjusting how much I hemmed them.)  Bill also started working on putting the hardware on the cabinets in the bathroom and I got started on the mountain of laundry that was taking over our closet. 

As for Miles, he had been enjoying a lot of naked time this week.  For some reason he has been pooping more than ever the last 3 weeks, despite starting an iron supplement and us feeding him all sorts of high iron foods.  We were all worried that he would be constipated, but that is definitely not the case.  He had 6 poopy diapers on Friday alone and his poor little butt was so red!  So, he has been having naked time and lots of tub time to try to help that problem.

He was NOT very impressed that Daddy wouldn't let him go downstairs with him.

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