Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Wow! Long time, no post!

Ok, so it only been about a week and a half, but it has been a busy week and a half! 

We finished up moving over Memorial Day weekend, thanks to my parents and Dan! 

*High quality parenting here, folks.  Miles in his carseat, in the stroller, playing with a cat toy so that we can finish packing.*

We're still living in a little bit of chaos, but hopefully once Bill is done with school tomorrow we will be able to get a few more things done.

No after pictures yet because my camera battery died and the charger is lost somewhere in the carnage of the move.  This is pretty unfortunate because it is really darn hard to find a little 2" flattish, black square in random boxes full of stuff.  So, until we completely finish unpacking and unearth the charger, the pictures will just have to wait.

Since summer has arrived in full force we did manage to dig out Miles' new (totally the best $2 garage sale find EVER!) giraffe pool and let him have some swimming fun.  He really likes to lay on his belly in the water, but doesn't quite grasp the concept that he can't just lay his head down when he gets tired.  He's not so fond of the faceful of water that he gets when he does that...

Miles also started trying some more solid foods once we got moved to the new house.  We're not really doing the traditional purees route, but instead are mostly following an approach called Baby-Led Weaning.  Basically, following baby's cues and letting them feed themselves a variety of 'real' foods right from the start.  So far, Miles really loves cucumbers, asparagus, broccoli, carrots, apples, applesauce, bananas, and pears.  The bananas are a little tricky for him - they basically end up squished between his fingers, so I do help him by spooning some of them in.  He also likes to share bites of my oatmeal and cream of wheat, but he wasn't so sure about Greek yogurt.

 * "So, I've got a little oatmeal on my face.  So what?"*

Let's see.  What else?  Oh yes, Miles has officially graduated to his new, big kid carseat!  He only had about an inch left before he outgrew his bucket seat and he was just getting to darn heavy in that thing!

13 days old
7.5 months old
Man, why do I do things like that to myself?!  I seriously just sat and stared at those pictures for about 2 solid minutes trying to figure out when the heck my little, cute, squishy baby grew into this not-so-little, but still totally cute big guy who fills up that whole seat!

*Looking like a big guy in his new seat!*

I don't know if it's all the commotion of the move, or the heat, or if he's getting more teeth, or what, but Miles has been completely ornery the past few days.  Lucky for him, he intersperses the cranktasticness with moments of exceptional cuteness:

*Yes, our baby falls asleep clutching a hard, plastic water bottle, not a soft, snuggly stuffed animal like a normal child.*

*Modeling his totally adorable "designer" diaper.*

*Miles takes after his father and does the freaky sleeping with his eyes open thing.  Creeps me out.*

*Swinging at the park!*

Well, that's all for now, I think.  We get our first installment of our CSA (community supported agriculture) share tomorrow.  I'm excited to see what's in it!

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