Thursday, June 9, 2011

8 Months

Miles, you are 2/3 of a year old today!!  Another 31 days have flown by and they have been busy - for you and for us.  Let's see...what have you been busy with? 

~ You can sit up on your own now, though you do still tip over sometimes when you reach too far for a toy or other interesting object. 

~  You seem to be getting disgusted with rolling to your desired destination, but haven't quite figured out how else to get there.  Quite frankly, Daddy and I are in no big hurry for you to figure out crawling because we still have quite a lot of babyproofing to do at the new house!

~  You have three new teeth!  Three of the four middle ones on the bottom.  The bottom left tooth came in first, and the two to the right of it came in at the same time.  You were a little cranky and clingy, but again, I'm not sure if it was because of teeth or because of all the commotion from the move or both.  You look like such a big guy now when you laugh or smile (or scream!) at us with your three little white teeth peeking out!

~ You have started taking some pretty fantastic naps during the day!  Usually about a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon, if we're home. 

~ You LOVE to be outside!  You're not picky about what you do when you are out there.  You're happy to be swimming, walking/strolling, swinging, going to campfires, or just chilling out on the deck w/ mom and dad.

~ You started eating solid food this month, too.  You mostly just gnaw on things and wave them around and splat them on your tray, but you really like to taste new foods and join in mealtimes with us.  So far you like broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, apples, applesauce, bananas, oatmeal, cream of wheat, raspberries, and watermelon.  Actually, you LOVE watermelon!

~ Even though you are a very open-minded eater, you still love to nurse.  Sometimes I think you would just hang out there all day if I'd let you.  If you're with Daddy and I walk in the room and it's been a little while since you've nursed, you've started to do a funny little "eh eh eh" fussing while stretching out to get to me.

*Being 8 months old takes a lot out of a guy!*

We love you, BubbaBoy!  Happy 8 months!

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