Thursday, May 26, 2011

A little bit craaaaazzy!

Yup, it has been a little wild around here lately! 

House updates:
*We have been slowly packing up and taking small loads of stuff up to the new house each day, and the apartment is slowly getting empty. 
*The carpet was done last Friday and it looks SO good with the paint and cabinets! 
*The new countertops came yesterday and they also look great! 
*My mom came down Tues./Wed. and finished up a few more projects around the new house (painting, touch up, outlet covers, cleaning windows, screens, closets), as well as finishing up packing up the kitchen.  Thanks, Mom! 
*The plumbing stuff (shower caulking, kitchen sink, laundry hook up, toilets) will be taken care of Friday or Saturday.
*My mom, dad, and Devon will be here tonight, so my dad is going to finish up putting up some trim and a couple of light fixtures and my mom is going to shampoo the (baby vomit covered) carpets in the apartment
*We plan to be completely moved in (FINALLY!!) by the end of the day on Saturday!!  Look for AFTER pics next week!!

Miles is a little over all the moving hubbub, I think.  He officially does have his first tooth on the bottom left!  Now, I think he might be working on the neighboring tooth.  He continues to be a bit clingy - it's almost like he wants to make sure we won't forget him in the midst of the move.  :)  On the up side, he is taking longer naps nowadays!  Usually 1.75 - 2.25 hours at a time, twice a day if we're at home.  Can't complain about that!

Finally, the requisite baby cuteness!

*Enjoying some fresh pears in the mesh feeder.  Yum!*

*Silly baby playing peek-a-boo!*

*Stuck under the swing - oh no!*

*Not even 2 minutes later - stuck in another tight spot!*


  1. yay! I saw your link on FB and couldn't believe I didn't have your BLOG!! Em is giggling and looking at Miles on the screen saying "baaaaabeeee, baaaabeeee!" She likes him.

  2. Well, the blog is a fairly new development. :) Just felt like I needed a place to document, you know? How're you feeling?? Soon enough there'll be a brand new squishy baaaaaaabeeeeeee at your house again!!
