Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Party Post!

On Saturday, we had Miles' birthday party and it was a busy day!  Who knew that having a one year birthday party was such a production?!?  :)  I think I will just go ahead and let the pictures tell this story...

As you can see, Miles was a fan of his cake and was very generous with it... :)

After Miles was finished opening his gifts, he went stood up and applauded the whole room, section by section.  So funny!  Poor guy never did get a nap that day and was up from 7:00 am until about 6:30 pm, but wasn't really grumpy at all.  He did a great job and was a perfect little host!  :)

Thanks to our families for coming to celebrate with Miles and for all the cute clothes and fun toys!! :)

Oh, I almost forgot!  I made a little "One Year of Miles" for a party decoration and it turned out pretty cute, if I do say so myself!

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