Sunday, September 11, 2011

Eleven Months!

Wow, talk about terrible blogging!  I guess my back-to-school resolution needs to be blogging with a bit more frequency, huh?

Well, August was another busy month for you, Mr. Miles! 

*You continue to pull yourself up on anything and everything and have started to walk along things.  I found a great little walking toy at a garage sale and you LOVE it!  You push it across the room until you crash into something and then turn around and look at us with a huge smile as if to say, "Did you see that?!  I am pretty awesome!"

*You are still sleeping great at night, but your naps are suffering a bit.  I think you're trying to transition from 2 naps to one, but that is a tricky thing apparently.  There have been a couple of times where you were so overtired and cranky that I had to finally just put you in your crib.  You cried for a little while (and made Momma feel rotten!), then fussed for a little while, then finally fell asleep and took the much-needed nap.  Hopefully this transition phase is short and we get into a good routine that works for both of us soon!  :)

*Your 'So big!' trick has become old news and if we ask you "How big is Miles?", you just look at us like we have three heads.  It seems that clapping is the new and hip baby trick and you find just about every ocassion to be worthy of applause.  Breakfast is ready?  Better clap.  Time for a bath?  Definitely clap-worthy!  Spying one of the kitties?  More clapping!  Daddy came home?  Clap!  Crawling away from a diaper change as fast you possibly can?  Not complete without stopping to look back and clap.  Usually when you randomly start clapping, I'll say "Hooray for Miles!!" and you give me a big smile, laugh, and clap some more.  So cute.

*You have 8 teeth now - 4 on top, 4 on bottom.  For some reason, you sometimes find it fun to dig those sharp little teeth into my should while I'm holding you.  Every time you do it I tell you, "No.  You don't bite Momma.  That hurts." and put you down on the floor.  Every time you immediately scrunch your face up, start to cry, and crawl over to my leg to pull yourself back up to me and then I really have to use my will power to not pick you back up immediately because you are so darn cute and pathetic.  :)

*You have added mamamama to your repertoire of sounds this month!  I swear sometimes you use it appropriately, too.  :)  You continue to chatter away and have also begun to shriek and scream.  Usually just for the sheer joy of making noise, but also to express your displeasure. 

*You are OBSESSED with the dishwasher!  If you hear it open from across the house, you will crawl as fast as your little body can go to get there.  You especially love to pull the silverware out, but will settle for anything you can reach.

*You have become a little food vulture recently.  If Daddy or I are eating anything, you make your way over and stand next to us and ask nicely demand for us to share and then proceed to complain loudly when said food is all gone.

*You started doing this hilarious huffy breathing where you snuff through your nose and curl your tongue.  You usually do it when you're excited about something, but you also use it for frustration and just for the heck of it, too.  I really, really need to get a video of it before you stop doing it because it cracks. me. up. every single time. 

*Other things you love this month:  the fireduck faucet cover in the bathtub (you usually spend the majority of your bathtime standing in front of the duck and opening and closing his hat), any sort of paper (but toilet paper and paper towel are your favorite!), being outside (nothing new), and your plastic shape sorting toy that you got from Chad and Maria (you put the pieces in, put the lid on, take the lid off, take the pieces out, repeat, repeat, repeat).

I know, I know I say it every time, but it is inconceivable to me that in 28 days you will be turning one!  All of the things in this post are the proof, though.  You're getting bigger every day.  Each day I see a little less of my little, squishy baby and a little more of a big, busy toddler and, of course, there's nothing I can do to slow it down.  I guess the best I can do is to enjoy every single second, take lots of pictures, and store as many tiny moments and memories away in my mind as I possibly can.

Happy eleven months, Bubbaroo!  We love you so, so much!

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