Thursday, May 26, 2011

A little bit craaaaazzy!

Yup, it has been a little wild around here lately! 

House updates:
*We have been slowly packing up and taking small loads of stuff up to the new house each day, and the apartment is slowly getting empty. 
*The carpet was done last Friday and it looks SO good with the paint and cabinets! 
*The new countertops came yesterday and they also look great! 
*My mom came down Tues./Wed. and finished up a few more projects around the new house (painting, touch up, outlet covers, cleaning windows, screens, closets), as well as finishing up packing up the kitchen.  Thanks, Mom! 
*The plumbing stuff (shower caulking, kitchen sink, laundry hook up, toilets) will be taken care of Friday or Saturday.
*My mom, dad, and Devon will be here tonight, so my dad is going to finish up putting up some trim and a couple of light fixtures and my mom is going to shampoo the (baby vomit covered) carpets in the apartment
*We plan to be completely moved in (FINALLY!!) by the end of the day on Saturday!!  Look for AFTER pics next week!!

Miles is a little over all the moving hubbub, I think.  He officially does have his first tooth on the bottom left!  Now, I think he might be working on the neighboring tooth.  He continues to be a bit clingy - it's almost like he wants to make sure we won't forget him in the midst of the move.  :)  On the up side, he is taking longer naps nowadays!  Usually 1.75 - 2.25 hours at a time, twice a day if we're at home.  Can't complain about that!

Finally, the requisite baby cuteness!

*Enjoying some fresh pears in the mesh feeder.  Yum!*

*Silly baby playing peek-a-boo!*

*Stuck under the swing - oh no!*

*Not even 2 minutes later - stuck in another tight spot!*

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Spring has (finally!) sprung?

Tuesday and Wednesday it was down right hot outside! 

I'm not usually a fan of hot weather because I hate, hate, HATE to sweat, but I was digging it because I finally got to use a couple of those shorts outfits that I bought for Miles and see the cute little chubby baby thighs and fat little baby feet sticking out.

Miles was digging it because he got to be outside and had his first experience with grass.  Who knew it could be so much fun to rip up handfuls of the green stuff and try to stuff it in one's mouth faster than Momma could pry it out of those fat little fists?

He also seemed to (mostly?) enjoy his experience with chewing on ice cubes, though we did get a few crazy faces:

Apparently all the chomping and exploring and riding around in the stroller was just too much for him, though.  Before I knew it, he was out cold and snoring on the blanket next to me.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Random bits...

1. It seems that being grumpy is the 'in' thing around here this week.  Miles has been all out of sorts and a complete cling-on.  I've been a bit testy due to Miles being testy and the fact that we are together 24/7.  Bill's a total stressball about getting the new house done, how much money we're spending on (mostly unanticipated) house stuff, and the logistics of moving in the next 3 weeks, not to mention the end-of-the year craziness that comes from his actual job.  Throw all of those together...not so much fun.

2.  I'm fairly certain that the reason for Miles' crankiness is that his first tooth is trying to appear.  There is a spot on his lower gum that looks like it could sprout a tooth anytime now.  However, I've read that it can take anywhere from a few days to a few months for a tooth to actually come through, so we'll see.  Poor guy has just been fussy and wanting to nurse constantly for the past couple of days.  And, of course, still chewing on anything and everything that crosses his path.

3.  Finally, just a bit of random cuteness.  This morning we had the patio door open, so Greta was staked out there and Miles was just wishing he could crawl!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Seven month photo shoot

Please excuse the blurriness, but this baby never. stops. moving!  And, I love the first one so much, I don't even care that it's blurry!  :)

Seven Months

I know everyone always says it, but I really can't believe how quickly these seven months have gone and how much you are growing and changing every single day.

Seven months, 213 days, you have been here and it seems like such a short time and such a very long time all at once. It seems like the last time I looked you were just a tiny, squishy newborn, but at the same time I can't remember what life was like before you. And that's o.k. because I wouldn't want to go back to life before you. You are such a part of me, of us, of our little family.

Seven months. You roll all over the place now and often roll yourself into some tight spaces, finding yourself trapped beneath the swing, the jumperoo, the coffee table, my chair. Shortly after you discover you're stuck, I hear your yells of frustration until I come to rescue you. You also frequently bump your head on various objects during your rolling about, never any other body parts, just your head.

You love your jumperoo, especially the little stuffed toucan that hangs from it. Your sole objective while you're in there is to grab hold of that toucan and get the feet into your mouth. You jump and jump and jump, stopping only to chew on the toucan or to stare at a passing kitty.

Speaking of kitties, you love them. You are absolutely transfixed by them, preferring to watch them over just about everything else. Graycie and Greta both try to keep their distance from you, though - they've learned that if they come too close they will probably lose a small handful of fur.

You chew on anything that your little hands can grab and are a champion drooler! We still are using multiple bibs per day, but now it's mostly for drool and not so much for spitting up. Kind of a nice change, if you ask me. :)

You've also realized that Momma can put you down and walk away without you now and nothing displeases you more!  You cry with such outrage that I would have the audacity to do such a thing.  You've also figured out the reverse, too, though and that we can come back from being gone.  Every day when Daddy gets home from work or Mommy comes in to get you after a nap, you light up with the biggest smile and are so happy to see us!  You must be close to us and know what's going on at all times, but that's o.k.  I like to have you close.  It's never far from my mind that soon enough I will have to beg you to slow down and snuggle with me, so I will take those snuggles when I can get them.

You found your feet this month, too!  You LOVE them!  If you are laying on your back, the feet go in your mouth.  It does make diaper changes a bit more tricky, but it is so cute, I can't complain. 

We got a new stroller this month (and some nice weather, finally!) and you adore the outdoors!  No matter how cranky or tired you are, you cheer up as soon as I put you in the stroller.  You just look around quietly the whole time we're walking, enjoying the views and the fresh air.

You still don't sleep so great.  You have a shower, nurse, and go to sleep easily in your bed around 8:00.  You usually wake up and nurse again about 10:00, then wake up again about 12:00 for a bottle, then around 3:00 you come in bed with us and nurse again.  I love the snuggles and waking up to smiley baby every morning, but I wouldn't complain if that smiley baby woke up 1 or 2 times less per night.  :)

You have been practicing sitting up, but still have an unfortunate habit of suddenly arching your back and throwing yourself backward or you just slowly lean to one side and end up on your tummy.  You are so close to figuring it out, though.  Soon enough.

You are getting more liberal with your smiles with Momma and Daddy, but are still pretty stingy with your laughs.  Changing your diaper, flying you above our heads, or blowing raspberries on your tummy or neck are usually pretty good bets for getting a giggle, but not a guarantee.  It's next to impossible to capture you smiling or laughing though, because as soon as the light on the camera flashes, you are intrigued by it and the smile vanishes.  Sometimes I get lucky though:

We love you so, so much, Sweetie Boy.  Happy seven months!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The beginning...

Starting a blog is one of those things that has been on my to-do list since Miles was born.  Mostly for me to have a place to document him growing and changing, since I am abnormally (I think, anyway) worried about him growing up and me forgetting about all the sweet little baby things that he does.  But, I hope it will also be a way to keep all of our long distance family and friends in the loop and up to date.

So, I figured Mother's Day was as good a day as any to start my blogging "career"! 

It was (finally!) a gorgeous day here today.  My parents were down this weekend helping with the new house again, so Shauna, Jason, and Caitlin also came down and we all went out for a delicious Mother's Day brunch.  Afterward, Bill and Miles and I made a quick Menards run (we should just buy stock, I swear!).  Miles had fallen asleep by the time we got home and Bill has been running short on sleep between school and working on the house, so we enjoyed a family nap.  We went out for a long walk when Miles woke up, then back to the usual evening routine:  Bill went up to work on the new house and Miles and I stayed here and worked on laundry and tidying up the house.  I can't wait until the new place is ready and we can move in and relax this summer!!

Here's a couple of pictures of Miles delivering my Mother's Day card:

Happy Mother's Day, everyone!  :)